Pro-oestrus and oestrus



  • associated with vulval oedemafluid accumulation/ swelling and blood tinged vaginal discharge
  • she will attract the male but will not stand to mate
  • lasts around 7 - 10 days


At low levels, oestrogens exert a positive feedback on the anterior pituitaryThe front portion of the pituitary gland, which is found at the base of the brain, stimulating more FSHFollicle stimulating hormone; produced by the anterior pituitary gland and stimulates maturation of the ovary prior to ovulation to be produced, resulting in follicular growth and increasing oestrogena steroid hormone produced primarily by the ovaries that stimulates changes in the female reproductive organs during the oestrous cycle and promotes the development of secondary sexual characteristics. levels. However, at high levels (when the follicles are mature and about to rupture), oestrogena steroid hormone produced primarily by the ovaries that stimulates changes in the female reproductive organs during the oestrous cycle and promotes the development of secondary sexual characteristics. inhibits FSHFollicle stimulating hormone; produced by the anterior pituitary gland and stimulates maturation of the ovary prior to ovulation production and stimulates LHLuteinising hormone; produced by the anterior pituitary gland and triggers ovulation production in a large pulse (LHLuteinising hormone; produced by the anterior pituitary gland and triggers ovulation surge).  This causes ovulationthe release of an egg cell (ovum) from the ovary in female animals to occur.